Cornhusker Public Power District is seeking applications from 9, 10 and 11 grade students to attend the Youth Energy Leadership Camp. Cornhusker Public Power District will sponsor six students to attend the all-expense paid camp, including transportation to and from camp. To be eligible, Cornhusker Public Power District or the Village of Spalding must serve the high school student’s home.
Interested students can apply online at services. Once a student applies, they will be mailed a packet of information with further instructions. We are asking students to submit an essay on why they want to go to Energy Camp. Essays are due by April 11, (more information about the essay will be included in the packet). NOTE: If more than six students submit an essay, a contest will be held (at a later date) to determine the six scholarship recipients.
The camp, to be held July 2125, is at Camp Comeca in Cozad. It is casual, yet educational. Through interesting workshops, demonstrations and presentations by regional experts, campers leave after five days with an enhanced knowledge of the many issues affecting the rural electric industry. A tour of the Gerald Gentleman Power Station and the Kingsley Hydro-Electric Power Plant provide a first-hand look at the process of generating electricity. Campers have a chance to make friends with nearly 70 teens from Nebraska and Wyoming.